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Spring Clean Your Pantry for Wellness

When is the last time you inventoried your pantry?

Clearing things out can help you feel more organized and have a sense of accomplishment. It can also help remove temptation, and more importantly create space for healthy, wholesome foods. I like this tip from My 3-Step Method for Spring Cleaning My Pantry

by SHEELA PRAKASH ". Instead of planning meals and then seeing if I have the ingredients for them, I switch things around and base my meals off the ingredients I want to use up. I actually find meal planning is a whole lot easier when you work with the ingredients already on hand — plus I end up trying new recipes in the process"

So get in there and toss anything that is: expired, high in trans fat, loaded with sugar, highly processed, a packaged snack, and refined grains.

Now that you have room in you pantry, check out this FASTer Way blog post for a list of pantry items to keep stocked and handy for meals without compromising nutrition.

For 6 weeks of full meal plans using these items sign up here to join my January 11th FASTer Way to Fat Loss Round. Just add 6WEEKROUND to your name.

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